Whether it’s time to replace your furnace or repair it is a big question for homeowners in Clinton, MS. Unfortunately, this decision usually comes at an inconvenient time. A few considerations can help you decide whether you should continue to repair your furnace or a replacement is in order.
Age of Your Furnace
The overall average age of your furnace plays a key role in the question of whether to repair or replace it. The average lifespan of a furnace is 15 to 20 years. If your furnace is close to this age, replacing it can be more economical. The brand and how well you maintain it also affects whether repair or replacement is the best option.
Cost of the Furnace Repair
If the cost of the repair is nearly the same as the cost of replacement, it’s time to consider a new unit. You need to think about how many times the furnace has needed repair over the last few years. If you have had to repair your furnace more than twice in the past five years, it might be time for a replacement.
Another consideration is maintenance. Many older units no longer have a valid maintenance contract. If your current maintenance plan will not cover the repairs, then a new furnace will save you in the long run.
Consider Efficiency
Furnace technology continues to improve, and new ones are much more efficient than older models. The cost of a new furnace installation can save money in the long run due to improved efficiency. One way to see if your current furnace is less efficient than it used to be is to compare your heating bills for several consecutive years.
A professional is the best person to help you decide whether you need repair or if it’s time for a complete replacement. Contact Modern Air in Clinton, MS, and speak with one of our professionals to see if HVAC repair or replacement is right for you.
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