Is your furnace in Ridgeland, MS, running but producing cold air instead of heating your house? Learn three possible reasons for this in order to understand and repair the issue.
Check Your Thermostat Setting
It’s possible that you can solve the cold air problem by making an easy adjustment to your thermostat. You most likely need to switch the thermostat from the “on” position over to the “auto” position.
Keeping the thermostat set to “on” means that the furnace’s blower runs continuously even if the burners aren’t operating. Setting the thermostat to the “auto” selection ensures that the blower only runs when the burners heat.
Replace the Air Filter
Your furnace will blow cold air if it overheats because the limit switch triggers and shuts down the burners. However, the furnace fan continues to run. It does this to provide the necessary cool air that protects against significant damage that might require a full furnace replacement.
A clogged air filter restricts airflow, and that usually leads to the overheating issue. Replace the air filter to free up airflow. If that doesn’t make the furnace produce hot air again, schedule a furnace service appointment. One of our service technicians can figure out what else might be causing the problem.
Inadequate Gas Supply
Do you have a gas furnace? If yours isn’t getting the required flow of gas that generates warm air, you might notice cool air instead. If your thermostat is set to “auto,” you’ve replaced the filter and you’re still feeling cold air, shut down the system and ask one of our service technicians to check for a possible severed gas line.
Are you having trouble identifying why your furnace continues to blow cold air? Contact us at Modern Air to schedule your next heating maintenance appointment.
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